Wednesday, June 10, 2020


When a conscientious manager is deputed to an overseas assignments, he/she may preserve with the tasks, rather than quitting because of a strange culture and difficult work context, and go beyond job expectations in spite of problems of adjustment and cultural differences because of his/her strong needs for achievement and for making sense of his/her environment.

7 Key-Steps to Motivate and Inspire Your Team - Invista
Before you jump to conclusions based on personality trait measurement, however, it is important to realize the limitations of these measurements. Some of these are
  • Trait measurement is not error-free.
  • The impact of a personality trait on the behavioral outcomes cannot be guaranteed because it is moderated by other variables. These moderating variables could be factor related to the nature of the task, other people around the person and the organization. Take the example of the conscientious factor, which has the strongest predictive link to performance among all Big five factors. If a person has a high score on conscientiousness, but has low skills, then the performance is negatively influenced. Further, a highly conscientious person with very high striving for achievement, is likely to be overcommitted to the decision even when early signs of a likely failure appear. When this happens, rather than quitting with minimum loss, over committed persons continue and face greater loss. This phenomenon is known as Escalation of commitment.   

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