Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Competency Mapping

What is HR Mapping? - Quora

Competency Mapping is a procedure of distinguishing key abilities for an association as well as an occupation and fusing those skills all through the different procedures (for example work assessment, preparing, enrollment) of the association. A competency is characterized as a conduct (for example correspondence, initiative) instead of an expertise or capacity. 

The means associated with competency planning with an aftereffect of occupation assessment incorporate the accompanying: 

1. Lead work examination by requesting that occupants complete a position data survey (PIQ). The PIQ can be given to officeholders to finish, or you can lead one-on-one meetings utilizing the PIQ as a guide. The essential objective is to assemble from officeholders what they feel are the key practices important to play out their separate employments. 

2. Utilizing the aftereffects of the activity examination, you are prepared to build up a competency-based expected set of responsibilities. This is created via cautiously examining the contribution from the spoke to gathering of officeholders and changing over it to standard capabilities. 

3. With a competency-based set of working responsibilities, you are en route to start planning the abilities all through your HR forms. The skills of the particular set of working responsibilities become your variables for appraisal on the presentation assessment. Utilizing capabilities will help direct you to perform increasingly target assessments dependent on showed or not showed practices. 

4. Making the competency planning one stride further, you can utilize the consequences of your assessment to distinguish in what capabilities people need extra turn of events or preparing. This will assist you with concentrating your preparation needs on the objectives of the position and friends and help your workers create toward a definitive accomplishment of the association.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Job Enrichment Vs Job Enlargement

Job Enlargement – It is a technique of job design, in which the number of tasks associated with a job is increased to add greater variety to activities, thus reducing repetition. It refers to having additional duties and responsibilities in a current job description. And we can say that job enlargement is a horizontal expansion of duties and tasks across the same organizational level.

Job Enlargement Vs Job Enrichment - Difference and Comparison - The  Investors Book 

Example – A person hired to handle the customer care executive work is responsible for handling customers inquiries, queries, and calls. She/he kept on doing the same work for two years and got bored. She/he discussed the problem with the HR manager, who planned to implement job enlargement for making her/his profile interesting. A few more tasks were added to her/his job profile like interacting with the client,  and making outbound calls to create new customers for the company. So these added tasks reduced her/his repetition.

Job Enrichment – It is that motivational tool that allows more decision making power and work-related authority to the employees. It is the vertical expansion of roles, responsibilities, authority, and activities along with the different hierarchical levels. We can say that it means, or an increase with the help of upgrading and development.

Job Enrichment Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Example – A human resource executive was initially responsible for maintaining the employees' records and calling the candidates for interviews as directed by the HR manager. To add more value to the HR executive’s job profile, the manager gave her/him some authority related to the work already assigned to her/him. The new responsibilities included providing the employees’ provident fund details to the accounts department, keeping contact with the provident fund office, and initial scrutinizing of the candidates for the interviews. These additional duties hold authority and accountability, making the employee more efficient, assertive, and satisfied with the job.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Are Leaders difference from Managers?

It is a generally agreed fact leaders need to be manage and manage need not be leaders. However, the disagreement among researchers is sharp about how much is the overlap between the two roles within organization.

17 Key Traits That Separate Managers From Leaders [Infographic ...
Managerial success necessarily involves leading, irrespective of one's designation and position in the organization, thanks to the changes in the environment, pressure to deliver results and leaner organization. what can be the skills useful for a leader irrespective of his level in the hierarchy?

In term of  basic value- Manager create and maintain stability, order, efficiency, changing only when forced to and leaders create flexibility, innovation, adaption, seeking, risk, ' Let's take the game to its next level/ let's go for another game'. 

Emotion and Emotional Intelligence

Emotion is a psychological construct, aimed at an object, whose components are:
  • Thought : in term of evaluating stimuli and situation:
  • Action : in terms of a arousal and movement,
  • Motivation : in term of behavior intentions or behavioral readiness 
  • Subjective feeling state
Are You Emotionally Intelligent? Here's How to Know for Sure ...
If you imagine a continuum with two opposite ends, you can display emotions such as pleasant or positive on one end,  and unpleasant or negative on the other.  Example of positive emotions are 'happy, calm, stress, frustration, hostility, fatigue, anger, shame, and alienation'. Do we learn to expensive emotions, or they innate? The debate goes on. However, a more current thinking is that while we cannot ignore the innate nature of basic emotions, we cannot deny  the importance of social and cultural factors in shaping, triggering and display of emotion.
Consider the role of emotions a work. Both, positive as well as negative emotions arise as the person interacts with situations and other at  work. However, the individual is likely to be effective in the organizational or work context if that person can highlight those emotions that help achieve desirable outcomes, and avoid the negative influence of emotions on the work outcomes. if emotions are managed effectively, this can be achieved. The management of emotions requires several skills, but if cannot be measured using the conventional IQ tests as they focus on the cognitive skills.

Team Leadership

The recent trend of lean organizations, use of technology and increasing pace and complexity of work have turned the managerial focus from individuals to team in organization. As we also saw in the previous chapter on leadership theories, one-on-one leadership is not considered as popular as the team leadership. This marks a break from a command and control prospective of management, toward facilitative, collaborative leadership, through empowerment and continuous improvement.

4 Qualities for Leadership Success | REEDER & ASSOCIATES
The term 'Facilitative Leadership' places much stronger demands on leaders. Under a team leadership approach,
  • Leaders facilitative the shaping of a collective vision through the active role of team members, who are themselves very highly skilled and qualified and capable of envisioning.
  • Leaders are expected to facilitate the team in arriving at its own solution rather than solving their problems.
  • In cross-functional teams, leaders understand and manage the diversity and the quality of relationships between the team members and the functional superior of these team members. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


When a conscientious manager is deputed to an overseas assignments, he/she may preserve with the tasks, rather than quitting because of a strange culture and difficult work context, and go beyond job expectations in spite of problems of adjustment and cultural differences because of his/her strong needs for achievement and for making sense of his/her environment.

7 Key-Steps to Motivate and Inspire Your Team - Invista
Before you jump to conclusions based on personality trait measurement, however, it is important to realize the limitations of these measurements. Some of these are
  • Trait measurement is not error-free.
  • The impact of a personality trait on the behavioral outcomes cannot be guaranteed because it is moderated by other variables. These moderating variables could be factor related to the nature of the task, other people around the person and the organization. Take the example of the conscientious factor, which has the strongest predictive link to performance among all Big five factors. If a person has a high score on conscientiousness, but has low skills, then the performance is negatively influenced. Further, a highly conscientious person with very high striving for achievement, is likely to be overcommitted to the decision even when early signs of a likely failure appear. When this happens, rather than quitting with minimum loss, over committed persons continue and face greater loss. This phenomenon is known as Escalation of commitment.   

Time Management

The term time management became familiar in the 1950s and 1960s as referring to a tool to help managers make better use of available time. T...