Sunday, May 24, 2020


Do you know the term 'KARMAYOGA'?
Lets first know about KARMAYOGA....

Karmayoga means a tendency to discharge one's duties without lusting after the outcomes. The first part of the word is a noun meaning action or a deed or we can say that from a verb meaning 'to do' and the second half is a noun meaning the process and proficiency in achieving a harmonious, appropriate balance between two distinct phenomena. Karmayoga can be understood as one's competence at balancing inaction, passivity and procrastination on one hand and on the other, the desperate chase foe achieving result in any cost, whatever be the means and the process used for achieving those ends or results. 
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Work dedication as a relevant attitude in India
It appeared that in India, bosses and organizations rate employees dedication as a more valued and more frequently mentioned attitude towards work and organization. While the term dedication is used frequently in ordinary language, as a work attitude, it is defined as the disposition of the employee to voluntarily engage in affectively unpleasant, non-rewarding organizationally relevant behaviors.
  • This nation derives from another concepts of duty: doing those tasks about which one has positive beliefs (good to do, should do) but negative affect (disliked).


Time Management

The term time management became familiar in the 1950s and 1960s as referring to a tool to help managers make better use of available time. T...